Date of Birth: 01/06/1949
Neighborhood: Morrell Park
High School: George Washington High School
Street: E. Crown Street
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: CPL
Date of Casualty: 08/22/1969
Province of Casualty: Quang Nam
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 34
Panel Row: 17
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"Bill" Zeltner had told his parents he would not enlist to fight in Vietnam, but went after being drafted in September 1968. The light weapons infantryman felt a deep empathy for Vietnamese children, and wrote home asking for balloons and other toys because many of the youngsters the corporal encountered had so little. Zeltner was assigned to Company A of the 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry, 196th Infantry Brigade. He died on Aug. 22, 1969, at the age of 20. Zeltner had told friends his ambition was to return home, go to work for Philadelphia Electric Co., and buy a new Buick Riviera. The George Washington High School graduate was survived by his parents, a brother and four sisters