Kenneth R. Yantis

Date of Birth: 05/26/1948
Neighborhood: Port Richmond
High School: Northeast Catholic High School
Street: Edgemont Street
Branch of Service: Marine Corps
Rank: CPL
Date of Casualty: 03/31/1968
Province of Casualty: Thua Thien
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 34
Panel Row: 14

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"He felt he was needed there," his mother said of the young Marine's decision to volunteer for a second tour of duty in Vietnam. The 19-year-old corporal had flown on 320 helicopter combat missions during his first one-year tour. He was three months into a second tour with Marine Air Group 36, 1st Marine Air Wing, when he died in Thua Thien Province on March 31, 1968, the day President Johnson announced that he would not seek re-election. Yantis graduated from Northeast Catholic High School. He was survived by his parents and a sister.

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial