Tyrone C. Watson

Date of Birth: 01/22/1942
Neighborhood: Kingsessing
High School: John Bartram High School
Street: Belmar Terrace
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: SSGT
Date of Casualty: 09/13/1970
Province of Casualty: Binh Dinh
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 32
Panel Row: 4

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Although his wife wished he wouldn't keep going back she stood by Watson each time he volunteered to return to Vietnam. The 28- year-old staff sergeant already bad been wounded four times when he volunteered for his fifth combat tour in 1970. The fire team leader and intelligence specialist assigned to Company A of the 1st Battalion 503rd Infantry 173rd Infantry Brigade, died in combat onSept. 13, 1970. He was awarded the Silver Star. The 1957 Bartram High School graduate also was survived by a stepdaughter.

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial