Date of Birth: 06/29/1941
Neighborhood: Bridesburg
High School: Woodrow Wilson High School
Street: Pratt Street
Branch of Service: Navy
Rank: UT2
Date of Casualty: 07/12/1969
Province of Casualty: Quang Nam
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 31
Panel Row: 4
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The 28-year-old Woodrow Wilson High School graduate had been in the Army for two years and the Navy Reserves for one, and volunteered to go to Vietnam. He joined the Navy in June 1968 and asked to be assigned to a Seabee unit. The utilitiesman second class was assigned to Naval Support Activity in Da Nang, Quang Nam Province, where he died on July 12, 1969. Survivors included his wife, son, daughter, parents, a brother and two sisters.