James T. Swift

Date of Birth: 08/27/1948
Neighborhood: North Philadelphia
High School: Thomas Edison High School
Street: N. Sartain Street
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: CPL
Date of Casualty: 04/27/1970
Province of Casualty: Binh Dinh
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 30
Panel Row: 5

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After spending two years in Vietnam, "Jake" Swift's biggest dream was for "world peace and love," recalled a sister. He graduated from Thomas Edison High School in 1968 after playing on the varsity football, fencing and track teams, and was active in the Civil Air Patrol before enlisting in the Army in September 1968. Swift, a power generator equipment operator, was assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Company of the 704th Maintenance Battalion, 4th Infantry Divisions in Vietnam. He died April 27th 1970 in Binh Dinh, South Vietnam. The 21-year-old corporal was survived by his parents, two brothers and a sister.

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial