Stephen F. Selgrade

Date of Birth: 06/03/1949
Neighborhood: Colwyn
High School: John Bartram High School
Street: Chestnut Street
Branch of Service: Marine Corps
Rank: PFC
Date of Casualty: 11/24/1968
Province of Casualty: Quang Nam
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 27
Panel Row: 15

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The 1967 John Bartram High School graduate moved to Delaware County from Southwest Philadelphia in January 1968, 16 days before joining the Marine Corps. The 19-year-old private first class, a rifleman with Company K of the 3rd Battalion, 26th Marines, was killed on Nov. 24, 1968, in Quang Nam Province, Vietnam. He was survived by his parents, two brothers and a sister.

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial