Frederick Price

Date of Birth: 04/26/1939
Neighborhood: West Philadelphia
High School: John Bartram High School
Street: S. Markoe Street
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: SP4
Date of Casualty: 03/10/1966
Province of Casualty:
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 24
Panel Row: 9

Click on the memorial panel below for a printable photo of the serviceman on this page.

Price attended John Bartram High School and was a hospital porter for six months before entering the Army in November 1960. The 26.year-old specialIst five had decided to make the military a career. Price was killed in Vietnam on March 10, 1966, when a weapon accidently went off after he and another soldier reached for it at the same time. Survivors included his mother, stepfather, brother, three half-brothers and two half-sisters.

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial