Date of Birth: 02/16/1946
Neighborhood: Parkwood Manor
High School: George Washington High School
Street: Sweet Briar Road
Branch of Service: Marine Corps
Rank: CPL
Date of Casualty: 10/13/1966
Province of Casualty: Quang Tin
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 22
Panel Row: 8
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Nigro thought time passed more quickly in combat, so he volunteered for a second tour of duty in Vietnam. He died less than a month after joining Marine Amphibious Brigade 13 of Marine Amphibious Group 13 back in the war zone. The 20-year-old corporal, a driver and guard, was shot accidentally in Chu Lal, Quang Tin Province, and died on Oct. 13, 1966. Nigro had entered the Marine Corps in January 1964 after leaving George Washington High School in March 1963. He was survived by his parents.