Date of Birth: 04/02/1944
Neighborhood: Port Richmond
High School: Northeast Catholic High School
Street: Cedar Street
Branch of Service: Marine Corps
Rank: CPL
Date of Casualty: 03/05/1966
Province of Casualty: Quang Ngai
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 19
Panel Row: 14
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"Butchie" McCuen's family had lived in Port Richmond for generations. He joined the Ma-rifle Corps in July 1962, three years after graduating from Northeast Catholic High School, and hoped to go into law enforcement when he got back home. The 21-year-old corporal, who had worked as a drill sergeant before being assigned to Vietnam, was a rocket launcher, ammunition carrier and squad leader in Company M of the 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines, and 1st Marine Division. He died in Quang Ngai Province on March 5, 1966. Survivors include his parents and a sister. McCuen was one of at least U young men from the Fishtown-Kensington-Port Rich-mend neighborhoods to die or be missing in .action in Vietnam. All are honored on the Cpl. Charles J. Glenn 3rd Memorial in Fish-town, dedicated in 1967, one of the first memorials to Vietnam veterans in the United States.