Ralph M. Jenerson

Date of Birth: 09/16/1948
Neighborhood: South Philadelphia
High School:
Street: S. 19th Street
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: SP4
Date of Casualty: 04/09/1970
Province of Casualty: Phong Dinh
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 15
Panel Row: 4

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Jenerson was an art student at Temple University for two years before enlisting in the Army in September 1968. He took Special Forces training and was sent to Vietnam in October 1969, and assigned to Company D of the 5th Special Forces Group. The 21-year-old specialist four, a heavy weapons leader, died near Can Tho, Phong Dinh Province, on April 9, 1970. He was awarded the Silver Star posthumously. He was survived by his mother, two brothers and two sisters.

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial