Date of Birth: 09/25/1947
Neighborhood: North Philadelphia
High School: Benjamin Franklin High School
Street: N. 28th Street
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: SP4
Date of Casualty: 10/18/1967
Province of Casualty: Binh Duong
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 11
Panel Row: 15
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President of the Benjamin Franklin High School Class of 1966, “Good” Goodman took part in many school activities He was a member of the choir and the football team, assistant chief justice of the student court and co-captain of the student patrol. He briefly attended Virginia State University, leaving when he could no longer afford the expense of a college education. Goodman was drafted into the Army in November 1966 and sent to Vietnam, where he was assigned to Company B of the 2nd Battalion, 14th infantry, 25th Infantry Division. The 20-year-old specialist four, a rifleman, died on Oct. 18, 1967, of a head wound he sustained when a friend fired a gun be thought was not loaded. Goodman was survived by his mother and several brothers and sisters.