Roscoe Glover

Date of Birth: 11/28/1948
Neighborhood: North Philadelphia
High School: Thomas Edison High School
Street: N. Marvine Street
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: PFC
Date of Casualty: 09/22/1968
Province of Casualty: Kontum
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 11
Panel Row: 12

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Glover used to box with his brother-in-law, but wrote from Vietnam that it would not be fun anymore — he had enough fighting. Glover left Thomas Edison High School in the 11th grade and worked at the Select Cafeteria at 19th and Vine streets and maintained equipment in a neighborhood playground be-fore enlisting in the Army in June 1967. The 19-year-old private first class, a rifleman with Company A of the 3rd Battalion, 50th Infantry, 4th infantry Division, drowned in Vietnam on Sept. 22, 1968. Survivors include his parents, two sisters, six half-sisters and four half-brothers.

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial