William T. Findlay

Date of Birth: 12/27/1950
Neighborhood: Oxford Circle
High School: Northeast Catholic High School
Street: Hegerman Street
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: PSC
Date of Casualty: 10/29/1970
Province of Casualty: Quang Ngai
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 10
Panel Row: 1

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Findlay enjoyed many sports, but none as much as baseball. From the Pee Wee League to Northeast Catholic High School's varsity team, he devoted his life to the game. His biggest thrill was playing at the old Connie Mack Stadium as a schoolboy. After graduating from high school in 1968, Findlay worked as a packer for France's Packing Co., on Bustleton Pike. All three of his brothers were army veterans. He was drafted into the army in May 1970. The 19-year-old private first class was a light weapons infantry men with Company B of the 4th Battalion 3rd Infantry, 11th Infantry Brigade. He died near Dung Ho, Vietnam, on October 29, 1970. The city pool near his home where he swam as a young man was renamed the William T. Findlay Pool in his honor. In addition to his brothers, Findlay was survived by his parents and three sisters.

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial