Robert F. Ferguson

Date of Birth: 02/06/1941
Neighborhood: South Philadelphia
High School: St. Gabriel's School
Street: S. 28th Street
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: SSGT
Date of Casualty: 07/09/1966
Province of Casualty: An Loc
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 9
Panel Row: 19

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When he was 18 years old, Ferguson left his job w~ a press boy in a Center City printing shop for a career in the Army. He served in Korea, among other places, before joining Troop C of the 1st Squadron, 4th Cavalry, 1st Infantry Division in Vietnam in September 1965. Ferguson was awarded the Silver Star posthumously for his actions on July 9, 1966. He was wounded while commanding an armored personnel carrier on a reconnaissance patrol southwest of An Loc near Xa An Hoa, but contjnued to fight and was responsible for knocking out several deadly Viet Cong gun positions before being wounded ~ this time fatally. Ferguson had attended St. Gabriel's School and earned his high school equivalency diploma. Bury diploma in the Army. The 25-year-old staff sergeant was survived by his mother and several brothers and sisters.

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial