Theordore A. Dougherty

Date of Birth: 11/11/1926
Neighborhood: Hunting Park
High School: St. Francis Home for Boys
Street: N. Darien Street
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: SGT
Date of Casualty: 11/24/1967
Province of Casualty: Dinh Tuong
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 8
Panel Row: 12

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Dougherty first enlisted in 1944 at the age 18 and was wounded during World War II. The 41-year-old sergeant was in combat in Korea and Vietnam during subsequent enlistments. The squad leader was assigned to Company A of the 3rd Battalion, 60th Infantry, 9th Infantry Division, when he died in the Mekong Delta Region on Nov. 24, 1967. An orphan, he had lived at St. Vincent's Orphan Asylum on Milnor Street, and St Joseph's House for Boys before going to St. Francis Home for Boys in Bensalem. Hugh Elmore, another Philadelphian who died in Vietnam who lived at St. Vincent's.

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial