Date of Birth: 02/02/1947
Neighborhood: West Philadelphia
High School: West Philadelphia Catholic High School
Street: Shady Lane
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: PFC
Date of Casualty: 02/29/1968
Province of Casualty:
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 8
Panel Row: 3
Click on the memorial panel below for a printable photo of the serviceman on this page.
Although he had been drafted and had not enlisted, the 1965 graduate of West Philadelphia Catholic High School wrote home from Vietnam that being there was "the right thing for me and for America." DiCavallucci was born and raised in Philadelphia, and his family moved to New Jersey when he was 18. He went on to Officer Candidate School after basic training, where he trained to be a platoon leader and postal officer. He was assigned to the 42nd Army Postal Unit in Vietnam for four months when the bus in which he was riding was hit by a rocket on Feb. 29, 1968. He was 21. Survives included his parents and two brothers.