Joseph F. Daly

Date of Birth: 09/02/1945
Neighborhood: South Philadelphia
High School: Bishop Neumann High School
Street: S. Bambrey Street
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: CPL
Date of Casualty: 04/23/1967
Province of Casualty: Phu Loi
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 7
Panel Row: 12

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The 1963 graduate of Bishop Neumann High School worked for a South Philadelphia clothing manufacturer before being drafted in October 1965. The 21-year old Army corporal was a cannoneer and ammunition bearer with Battery C of the 2nd Howitzer Battalion, 13th Artillery. He died on April 23, 1967, in Phu Loi, Vietnam, eight days before he was to return borne. as the result of a gunshot wound suffered in non-hostile action. Survivors included his mother~ two brothers and two sisters. Army CPL - April 23, 1967

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial