Joseph A. Cross

Date of Birth: 02/09/1948
Neighborhood: North Philadelphia
High School: Benjamin Franklin High School
Street: W. Stiles Street
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: PFC
Date of Casualty: 11/15/1966
Province of Casualty:
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 7
Panel Row: 9

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Cross enlisted in the Army in October 1965 after attending Benjamin Franklin High School. The private first class was sent to Vietnam in April 1966 and spent about two months in a hospital with malaria. Cross, an ammunition bearer, was assigned to Company A of the 2nd Battalion, 503rd infantry, 173rd Airborne Brigade. He drowned on Nov. 15, 1966, when he was shot during an ambush while attempting to cross a river. His mother had just received a dozen roses from him. He was survived by his parents, seven brothers and four sisters.

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial