Charles J. Buckley

Date of Birth: 10/17/1949
Neighborhood: Chestnut Hill
High School: Cardinal Dougherty High School
Street: E. Willow Grove Avenue
Branch of Service: Marine Corps
Rank: PFC
Date of Casualty: 12/21/1968
Province of Casualty:
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 4
Panel Row: 13

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"Charley" Buckley wanted to be where the action was. He left Cardinal Dougherty High School, enlisted in the Marine Corps at 17 and volunteered to go to Vietnam. The private first class served as a plumbing and water supply man. He loved the Marines, his mother said, but like many soldiers, became borne-sick around the holidays. Buckley was as-signed to Marine Air Group 13 of the 1st Ma-rifle Air Wing. He died in Chit Lai, Quang Ngai Province, four days before Christmas 1968, at the age of 19. Survivors include his parents and a brother. Buckley Park, at Germantown Avenue and E. Hartwell Lane, was dedicated in memory of the young Marine.

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial