Kenneth W. Brown

Date of Birth: 05/27/1950
Neighborhood: Germantown
High School: Murrell Dobbins Vocational High School
Street: Jane Street
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: SP4
Date of Casualty: 12/02/1969
Province of Casualty:
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 4
Panel Row: 6

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"Kent" Brown enjoyed football, baseball, fencing and choir at Murrell Dobbins Vocational High School. In July 1968, a month after graduating from Dobbins, he enlisted in the Army so his recently-married brother, Samuel, who had been wounded in Vietnam. could come home. Kenneth Brown was sent to Vietnam in October 1969, where the radio equipment repairman and radio operator was assigned to Company C of the 125th Signal Battalion, 25th Infantry Division. Samuel Brown was in a 25th Infantry Division unit stationed nearby. and was among the Last people to see Kenneth Brown alive. The 19-year. old specialist four died on December 2, 1969.

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial