Alfred L. Brown

Date of Birth: 10/07/1947
Neighborhood: South Philadelphia
High School: Benjamin Franklin High School
Street: Dickinson Street
Branch of Service: Marine Corps
Rank: CPL
Date of Casualty: 05/10/1967
Province of Casualty:
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 4
Panel Row: 5

Click on the memorial panel below for a printable photo of the serviceman on this page.

A proud young soldier who had enlisted at the age of 17, Brown signed letters home "Your Marine." The corporal, a rifleman and fire team leader, was assigned to Company C of Battalion Landing Team 1/3, 9th Marine Amphibious Brigade, in Vietnam in June 1966. He died in Quang Nam Province on May 18, 1967. The former Benjamin Franklin High School student was 19. He was survived by his parents, three brothers and three sisters.

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial