Charles Blanco

Date of Birth: 12/02/1940
Neighborhood: South Philadelphia
High School: Edward Bok Vocational High School
Street: S. 10 Street
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: SGT
Date of Casualty: 09/20/1966
Province of Casualty: Tuy Hoa
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 3
Panel Row: 6

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Blanco was looking forward to a new career when he left the Marine Corps in 1963 after five years and enlisted in the Army's 101st Airborne Division. The 26year-old sergeant, A squad leader, was stationed in Germany before joining Company C of the 2nd Battalion, 502nd Infantry, 101st Airborne Division, in Vietnam in December 1965. He died near Tuy Hoa on Sept. 20, 1966. A former Edward Bok Vocational High School student, he was survived by his parents, a brother and a sister.

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial