Donald J. Barnes

Date of Birth: 08/12/1931
Neighborhood: West Philadelphia
High School: John Bartram High School
Street: Robinson Street
Branch of Service: Navy
Rank: EOCS
Date of Casualty: 06/06/1967
Province of Casualty: Quang Tri
Philadelphia Memorial Panel: Panel 2
Panel Row: 8

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Barnes, 35, was in the first clay of his second tour of Vietnam when he was killed on June 6, 1967, in Khe Sanh. The Navy equipment operator had written his family that he was looking forward to getting "into the field" with his unit, Naval Mobile Construction Battalion Eleven. The 1st year Navy veteran had been tagged as a future teacher in the 1949 John Bartram High School yearbook, and indeed he worked as an instructor in Mobile Construction Battalion 6, a successor unit to the old Navy Seabees of World War II. He was survived by his wife, two sons, three daughters, parents, two brothers and two sisters.

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial